Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
There are many ways in which you can truly do God’s work in the world. We have a lot of great volunteer opportunities for you to become the hands and feet of Christ in the world right here in our own backyard of Oklahoma City! Continue scrolling below to learn more about the many ways that Church of the Servant blesses our community.
christmas grace
Organized by COS Volunteers
For over 20 years, Church of the Servant has partnered with community agencies that have identified local families needing a little extra love and care at Christmas. Working through these agencies, Servant small groups, classes, and individuals adopt hundreds of families each year.

Circle of Care
The United Methodist Circle of Care ministers to Oklahoma children and youth through residential and foster care families. Our joint mission is to provide Christian help, healing and hope to children, youth, and families who are in crisis. Our focus as a church is Child Share, which works to recruit, train and provide support to foster parents.

exodus house
Exodus House is a place for individuals who have recently been released from prison to have six months to live rent free and establish a new life. Our church furnishes and maintains an apartment and partners with Penn Avenue Redemption United Methodist Church in providing Christian outreach opportunities to the families.
Infant crisis services
Infant Crisis Services (ICS) is an emergency pantry providing for the immediate needs of infants. Our church collects items throughout the year. Members are always welcome to contact ICS for volunteer opportunities.
Email Miki Farris HERE for more information.
Email Miki Farris HERE for more information.

Meals on Wheels
Too many who hunger for food are starved of hope. Join us to make a difference in thousands of lives. Hope is more than a meal. Each week, teams of church members deliver meals to homebound, senior citizens in our community who may not otherwise have nourishing meals or visits. Email Cathy Maxwell HERE for more information.

Neighborhood Services Organization (NSO) has as their mission transforming lives and encouraging independence through safe, healthy homes, dental care and nutrition. Many individuals and Sunday school classes volunteer in various ways.
hello@nsookc.org | 405-236-0452
hello@nsookc.org | 405-236-0452

oklahoma blood institute
Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) is seeking to provide the safest and highest quality blood, services, and programs to patients and communities. Church of the Servant hosts several blood drives throughout the year. Go to the EVENTS page for upcoming dates.

Rebuilding together
Rebuilding Together preserves and revitalizes homes and communities so that low-income elderly homeowners may live in warmth, safety, and independence. They remodel houses all year long, but they host a large Rebuild Day every year in early spring. Email Clay Cockrill HERE for more information.
Regional Food Bank
The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma is the largest hunger-relief charity in the state - providing enough food to feed more than 136,000 hungry Oklahomans every week, 37 percent of whom are children. Throughout the year, various groups from Church of the Servant volunteer their time to fill the shelves at one of the food banks.

Organized by COS Volunteers
Throughout the year, we take up an offering and/or gather volunteers to help support our local schools. In December 2024, we took up an offering to help the clothes closets at Deer Creek and Putnam City Schools.
Skyline Urban Ministry
Skyline Urban Ministry is a United Methodist ministry whose goal is to establish an atmosphere of respect and empathy while providing groceries, meals, clothing, eye exams, and dignity to Oklahomans struggling with resources. Church of the Servant provides gifts at Christmas, coats in the winter, and ongoing food and clothes to Skyline Urban Mnistry.
Whiz kids
Whiz Kids is a City wide faith-based mentoring program that focuses on literacy for 1st-4th grade students from Title 1 schools. There are 28 sites around the OKC area. Whiz Kids provides all the books, resources, hands on learning games and a teacher liaison from the assigned school to support each site. The church provides volunteers to make the program run. This year we will be partnering with New Hope UMC (11600 N. Council Rd.). Our school is Ralph Downs Elementary (7501 N. Hefner Rd.) in the Putnam City district. After school on Mondays, we transport the kids to New Hope, serve them a healthy snack, have a special "Jesus Time" and then tutor them for an hour. We need volunteers for transportation, set-up, homemade cookie bakers, tutoring, and subs in all areas. The children need us to support them educationally, emotionally, as well as spiritually. To see the program in action, click on VOLUNTEERS.
If you have questions about this program, email Shirley Rolston HERE.
If you have questions about this program, email Shirley Rolston HERE.